½ Sold - Official Trailer (Director / Editor / Camera Operator)

Presenting the trailer of yesterday's tomorrow today!

½ Sold : A brief encapsulation of a past not far removed from our present [or] An homage to Surrealist film and the social absurdity it rode in on. Featuring a cast of artists, pioneers, totalitarian dictators and other overachievers. Unidirectional temporality not included.

Shot in Paris on DSLR, ½ Sold was intended as a short experimental digest (or indigest) of the year 1928. It was created at the invitation of the 100x100=900 (100 videoartists to tell a century) Project, in which 100 experimental filmmakers and video artists were randomly paired with a year from the 20th Century. The resulting 100-film omnibus, conceived and curated by Magmart International Videoart Festival's Enrico Tomaselli, made the rounds of over 66 venues worldwide, including the Moscow Museum of Modern Art and Cuzco's historic Museo Qorikancha. 

Produced, written, directed, filmed and edited by Michael Westbrook.